Views From A Winnsboro Garden

Some (Most) are Bruce's Pleasures & Some Are Mine

Have you ever walked out your back door, taken a few steps into the yard and been halted in your tracks by the beauty of a Blue Heron parading around your pond? This one isn't a real Heron, but someone went to a lot of trouble creating this from copper and placed it with Blue Granite, so that makes me think of Winnsboro for sure and the Irish pond, around which the Blue Heron has been seen to wander.

Day By Day and Week By Week...Lovingly built backyard pleasures
Bruce has been working on a small pond front-side of the house. Some Hostas filling in the blanks surround it and native stone as well. Lily pads to come (I hope) but the goldfish certainly will revel in having some "space" to navigate in. They'll need it if they're to grow. Give them enough space and they'll turn into mosquito larvae-eating "giants."

Never Seems Enough Time to Accomplish It All....
Life is full of interruptions. Occasionally it's interrupted by lengthy life-changing events which have the consequence of altering previous viewpoints to reflect new appreciations. Today is May 1st and we're in a sort of holding pattern, trying to stave off the of those interruptions we really could have done without. Perhaps with the angels attending, the resumption will be just as welcoming a life change as was the former. We can only pray.

The Glass IS 1/2 FULL...!
I completely refuse to think otherwise; that's always been counter-productive and shows a lack of faith. This garden of Bruce's and mine...we may have to allow some weeds to take their turn for a spell, but the beauty of the imagined landscape remains ever true, ever beautiful and will wait until we can till, sow and weed again. Why do I feel so much a part of this, I wonder...?
